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Scientific presentations: From data to delivery

Scientific presentations are a cornerstone of sharing your research and advancing your career. To make an impact, your audience has to understand, believe, and remember your content. This workshop will teach you essential skills to elevate your presentations. It provides a clear, structured framework to organize your ideas, craft your key messages, and create effective slides. With these tools, you will deliver presentations that stay in the minds of your audience long after you step off the stage.


You will learn how to

  • tailor a presentation to your audience
  • define personal presentation goals
  • develop the central message
  • structure your presentation using narrative tools
  • design illustrative graphs
  • create effective slides

Learning goals

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to plan, design and deliver a presentation much more thoughtfully. Since you will practice the course concepts directly with your own scientific content, you can seamlessly apply them to your next presentation.

  • Individual exercises, tandem work, group discussions
  • Writing and presenting
  • Constructive feedback by other participants and the trainer


  • Please prepare a figure showing the most important result of your research project on one slide.
  • Be prepared to speak in front of other participants about your research project.


Dr. Georg Hafner

Georg Hafner obtained a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Göttingen before transitioning into the field of artificial intelligence as a science coordinator. Currently, he is working as a medical writer and trainer. His enthusiasm for science motivates him to help scientists communicate their findings effectively. His mission is to bridge the gap between data and audience, ensuring that scientists and their remarkable results shine brightly in the spotlight they deserve.


Mon, Jun 16, 2025 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM



Target Group

Promovierende, Postdocs


PhD UP25 €
Postdoc UP/PNB*37.5 €
Partner institutions140 €
Extern170 €
Postdoc-Netzwerk Brandenburg (PNB): BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) und Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Type of event



Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe
Telefon +49 331 977-4569
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