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First audition? Applying for (Junior-)Professorships

The aim of the webcast is to provide participants with detailed information about all phases of the appointment procedure for professorships (focus Germany), and to give them concrete advice and tips for their applications.

The webcast will first deal with the procedure and the formal aspects of the appointment process. Afterwards, all necessary application documents (especially CV, cover letter, research and teaching concept) will be discussed in detail and partly illustrated with sample materials. The third part addresses all aspects of the hearing. Participants will learn about the requirements for the application talk and the demonstration lecture. In addition, the most frequently asked questions in the interview with the selection committee will be discussed.

Participation information:

The webcast is available via Vimeo (password protected) as a stream, the associated materials (handout, sample CVs, list of questions from commission discussions) are available for download via Dropbox. This offer is currently valid until 28.03.2025. After successful registration, the webcast and document collection can be used until the end of February 2025.


Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt

Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt holds a doctorate in psychology with additional training as a coach and management consultant (German Psychologists Academy). After several years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bielefeld and as a substitute professor at the University of Osnabrück, she is now an independent trainer and consultant specializing in the needs of scientists. Her work focuses on academic career planning and applications for professorships.






Target Group



PhD UP25 €
Postdoc UP/PNB*37.5 €
Partner institutions50 €
Extern50 €
Postdoc-Netzwerk Brandenburg (PNB): BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) und Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Type of event



Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe
Telefon +49 331 977-4569
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